immixGroup Contract Sales Reporting Web Portal

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Who should I contact with any program related questions?

For General partnering inquiries, please email . Otherwise, please reference the Channels Team Contact Sheet located on the left navigation pane under "Download Templates" and identify which team corresponds to the manufacturers program you would like to join.

How do I upload a report?

To upload a report, first ensure that you have the appropriate reporting template found under the Download Templates screen. Complete the reporting template with your sales data. If there were no sales for the month for a manufacturer, state “no sales” in the sales date field, select the applicable contract number and applicable Manufacturer Name. You can still report sales data for other contracts and Manufacturers under the same template file. Upload your sales reports, by selecting ‘Upload POS Data’ from the left navigation pane. Select your partner name from the drop-down, select the appropriate file using the ‘Browse’ feature and submit.

When should I use the No Sales checkbox in the sales reporting portal?

If there are no sales for ALL reports, please check the no sales checkbox.

I am trying to report a sale for an ESI BPA, but it requires an order package. What documents are required and how do I upload the documents?

An order package consists of customer quote, government purchase order, and customer invoice for all ESI BPA reports. Upload files by selecting the menu option, Upload Miscellaneous Files.

I receive an error after uploading the appropriate order package documents. The error states that the files are already there. What should I do?

Try uploading the files again with a different file name.

How do I edit my profile?

Click your username in the upper right corner of the page.

What is the process involved to resolve a discrepancy?

  • A discrepancy is an inconsistency on a Point of Sale report between the product or price represented to the customer (as documented within the PO) and the contract referenced on the Order (as represented by the price list effective at the Time of Sale).
  • All reported sales are analyzed at the line item level and categorized as either “APPROVED” or “DISCREPANCY”
  • Reasons for discrepant sales:
    1. Not on Contract: Was the item on the contract at the time of sale?
    2. Overcharge: If part was on contract at the time of sale, was it sold at or below the contract catalog price for the time of sale?
    3. Extended Price Error: Does unit sale price * quantity equal the extended sale price?
  • Partners have 45 days to resolve discrepancies.
  • immixGroup may require partners to submit a copy of the Govt PO, Vendor PO and quote issued to the customer for any orders that contain discrepancies.
  • Compliance Points of Contact:
    Telephone: 877-473-5273

What are the steps for joining a program in which I am not currently authorized?

immixGroup runs manufacturer driven programs that reward the partner community that is driving their business. To be connected with the appropriate account team refer to the Channels Contact Sheet (found under the left navigation pane within Download Templates”) and determine which team supports the manufacturer that you are interested in learning more about.

How quickly will I be notified if there is a discrepancy within my report?

You will be notified immediately upon submission that there are discrepancies.

Who is responsible for paying contract fees?

For sales made against immixGroup contracts (e.g. GSA, OH STS) , immixGroup will ultimately be paying the contract fee. Whether this fee is built into your cost or billed to the partner is dependent upon the Government contract and terms spelled out in the initial agreement that was executed between your company and immixGroup.

I submitted a password reset but I have not received the new credentials to my email why has this occurred?

  • Please give 1-2 minutes for the new credentials to arrive in your inbox. If at that time the new credentials still have not arrived, please complete the action items below.
    1. Check to see if the credentials arrived in your spam folder.
    2. Open Internet Explorer.
    3. Clear the cache & cookies of Internet Explorer in your search history.
    4. Resubmit the request on Internet Explorer.
    5. If concern persists, please reach out to .

I submitted a report that was at the contract ceiling price that was quoted to me why is the line item flagged as an overcharge?

  • The system will flag an overcharge based the third decimal point of a price even though only 2 decimals points are shown. Please reach out to for further assistance.
  • A partner is responsible for validating the price of a contract before accepting a purchase order. In the event of a price reduction on the contract pricelist before the purchase order is executed, a partner is responsible for adjusting the price accordingly.

I submitted an item that was sold with an extended POP and now I have received an overcharge.

The system does not check for POP when considering price to compare against the pricelist. Please submit two line items, one that takes into account the maximum POP of the unit of measure for the pricelist item (as seen on the pricelist) and the remaining POP.

When is the POS report due for a given reporting period?

  • Partners are required to report sales to the iGPOS portal by the 15th of each month.
    • Any sales made on the TX DIR Contract schedule are due on the 10th of each month.
    • Example: February reporting period 2020 should have all sales conducted in January submitted by February 15th.

I received an automated “immixGroup POS CureNotice Notification”. Am I no longer permitted to sell on the contract schedule?

When a POS report is 5 days late you will receive an immixGroup POS CureNotice Notification for the given contract schedule for which you are required to report. While receiving such a notification does not mean your agreement has been terminated, receiving a notification means failure to comply with the CureNotice Notification may result in suspension or termination from the program. Within 5 business days of receiving the notification submit the late POS report using the instructions found on the notification email.

I have received cure notices. How should I resolve them?

To resolve cure notices, please submit a sales report for the current reporting period and include the outstanding cure notices. Each cure notice ID requires a separate line on the report. The cure notice ID should be included under the Cure Notice ID column (ex. column AL for GSA Template). Once submitted this will clear active notices.

When I submit my report I receive an error that reads "Reporting data has already been submitted", but I still receive reminder notifications to submit a report. What's causing this issue?

After uploading the sales data, you are presented with a screen summarizing the sales being reported and must click Confirm or Cancel. If the user leaves the page instead of clicking Confirm (or the webpage times out), the website will cancel the submission AFTER 30 minutes have passed. If attempts to reupload before the 30 minutes are up, the site is still waiting for confirmation of the first submission. Please wait 30 minutes for the system to reset and log back in to upload the report.

What should I do if the manufacturer I need to report for is not displayed in the sales reporting template?

Download a new template for each reporting period. After opening the file, click on enable editing if it displays at the top of the sheet. Check the box to ignore privacy levels and click save. All manufacturer names should populate into the dropdown.